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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Shinsedai Cinema Festival 2012 IndieGoGo Fundraising Drive

The Shinsedai Cinema Festival in Toronto has changed venues and needs the support of Japanese film fans in order to get the event off the ground for next summer.  The event is programmed by Chris MaGee of Toronto JFilm Pow-wow and Jasper Sharp of Midnight Eye.  I had a really amazing time at the event in August 2010, when I was back on home soil for the summer, and I hope to go again next year.  

Here is the festival's announcement about how you can help:

The Shinsedai Cinema Festival is about bringing the work of Japan's newgeneration of filmmakers to Toronto audiences, filmmakers who in many cases arejust like you -- people who are passionate about filmmaking but can't do whatthey love full time. They support their filmmaking careers by working a varietyof jobs; and those who are lucky enough to work full time at filmmaking stillface huge obstacles. Without the benefits of a government granting systemJapanese independent filmmakers are entirely on their own in terms of fundingand production. Even when they have completed a project their avenues to get itseen are limited. As of this year there are only 25 to 30 independent movietheatres operating in Japan. That’s right… in the entire country! That whyoverseas events like The Shinsedai Cinema Festival are so important, but nowyou can help make our 4th annual event possible! 

Starting today, Friday, November 4th, 2011, and running for the next 60 days,film lovers like you will be able to help fund what The Toronto Star has called"one of the city's youngest and most original movie events" via our2012 Fundraising Drive powered by IndieGoGo, the world's largest global fundingplatform. By January 4th, 2012 we hope we'll have reached our fundraising goalof $7,000, money that will go not only go towards guest relations costs (food,beverages, sightseeing, etc.), but most importantly to pay for roundtripairfare for our Japanese guests to come and personally present their films to aToronto audience. 

All we need are 350 film fans to donate $20 each. That's just the cost of onenight out at the movies, or the purchase of a single DVD! Those of you who arein the position to donate more are invited to do so, and you will either beable enjoy special perks in exchange, such as free passes for our 2012festival, or you can choose to receive a tax deductible receipt for the amountof your donation. Regardless of the amount you are able to give all backers ofthe 4th annual Shinsedai Cinema Festival will be given personal thanks as"Friends of the Festival" on our website and in our printed festivalprogram. 

So, please give and tell your friends about how they can give so that the 4thannual Shinsedai Cinema Festival will be the best festival we've had yet! 
