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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Atsushi Wada and World Animation at Image Forum

Image Forum in Tokyo is presenting a showcase called Atsushi Wada and World Animation (和田淳と世界のアニメーション) November 20-26. Renowned surrealist animator Wada’s complete works so far are being screened in two packages alongside some of the best of world animation from the past year. I believe that most of the non-Wada shorts screened in the Official Selection at Annecy this year. In addition to the films, special guests will be on hand to discuss the films including film director Takuji Suzuki (Nov. 21), media artist Masaki Fujihata (Nov. 23), indie animator Taku Furukawa (Nov 24), and alternative manga-ka Shiriagari Kotobuki (Nov. 26). Attendees will have the opportunity of buying early copies of Wada’s CALF DVD, which will be officially released in December.

Program A (November 22/24/26, 9pm)

Atushi Wada Works (和田淳の作品)

Yume-tsutsu (夢現, 2002)
Fue (笛, 2002)
Zenchū maishū (蠕虫舞手, 2004)
Kakari (係, 2004)
Gentle whistle, bird, and stone (やさしい笛、鳥、石, 2005)
Day of Nose (鼻の,日 2005)
The Mechanism of Spring (春のしくみ, 2010)

World Animation (世界の作品)

Playground (Mirai Mizue, Japan, 2010)
Sam’s Hot Dogs (サムのホットドッグ, David López Retamero, UK, 2009)
Troublantes caresses (悩ましい愛撫, Jérémy Boulard, France, 2009)
Wolves (オオカミたち, Rafael Sommerhalder, Switzerland/UK, 2009)
View (Nayoon Rhee, South Korea, 2009)
Miramare (ミラマーレ, Michela Müller, Crotia/Switzerland, 2009)

Program B (November 23/25, 9pm)

Atsushi Wada Works (和田淳の作品)

This Mayonnaise is Too Runny (このマヨネーズはゆるすぎる, 2002)
kiro no hito (2003)
Kodomo no Kaiten no Koto (子供の廻転の事, 2004)
Manipulated Man (声が出てきた人, 2006)
Well, That’s Glasses (そういう眼鏡, 2007)
In a Pig’s Eye (わからないブタ, 2010)

World Animation (世界の作品)

Haunted Heart (ホーンテッド・ハート, Winona Regan, USA, 2009)
Väike Maja (Small House /小さな家, Kristjan Holm, Estonia, 2009)
Benigni (ベニーニ, Elli Viorinen /Jasmiini Ottelin/Pinja Partanen, Finland, 2009)
Woman Who Stole Fingers (指を盗んだ女, Saori Shiroki, Japan, 2010)
Sauvage (Wild/野生, Paul Cabon, France, 2009)
Lebensader (Lifeline/生命線, Angela Steffen, Germany, 2009)
Orsolya (オルソリャ, Bella Szederkényi, Hungary, 2009)

For those of us not lucky enough to be in Tokyo for this event, a selection of Wada and other CALF animators will be screening at the Zipangu Fest in London on November 28.

Related Posts:
Art of the Absurd: An Interview with Atsushi Wada
Mirai Mizue Works 2003-2010
Atsushi Wada’s Day of Nose